Our History
We, at RIDiT, are qualified pest controllers ready to help you get rid of those common pests. Whether you are a commercial business or a private residence, we can help you. We have 17 years experience in the pest control industry. We are members of the British Pest Control Association (BPCA) and National Pest Technicians Association (NPTA).
We offer pest control services for all common and uncommon pests, including rodents, insects and moths.
We are in the business of making businesses better and homes secure by creating safer, healthier and more hygienic places to work and live. The cost of getting pest control wrong is one that businesses and homeowners can’t afford.
The brand reputation of a business can be destroyed by one single pest
issue, in one single site, anywhere in the UK. Someone’s home – one of their biggest assets – can be severely damaged or destroyed by pests. Hence, the need for expertise; a promise which we are uniquely placed to deliver given our decades of experience, market leadership and global backing. (NPTA).

RiDiT Pest Control
We provide you with written reports detailing the work done and advice given, which will help show that you have taken all appropriate mesaures and can demonstrate due dilligence.

RiDiT Pest Control rids you of your pests
Our People
Our difference lies in our people. They are the face of our company and at the heart of what we do. We invest in a highly knowledgeable and experienced team to deliver, and support the delivery, of pest control solutions that protect homes and businesses.
Our customer service team is friendly, knowledgeable, responsive and ready to support you in your quest to be pest free!
With many experts across the country, we’re an integral part of your local community.
Our Reputation
We live up to our reputation and minimise risk as well as safeguard families and their homes. We put the environment first and aim to cause the least possible impact and adhere to our corporate social responsibilities. We support best practice procedures and ensure all staff practice these on a daily basis that also cover Health and Safety policies.
Get in touch with Rid It to discuss your pest control needs today!